Hotels & Resorts


Hotel Reporting & Analytics
Leverage the power of analytics to enhance the total guest experience

We can help you and your team develop various metrics and performance indicators to enable you uncover and monitor trends that are most valuable to you, and also react to emerging opportunities and threats. Leumas Solutions will work with you to develop efficient processes to enable you quickly gather the relevant data from all your sources of data, conduct meaningful analysis, and share the resulting analysis with those who need it to do their jobs.

  • Do you want to understand how the various aspects of your business (or various properties) are performing without manually reviewing disparate spreadsheets and static reports?
  • Are you struggling to reconcile or combine hard copies of various static reports generated by your PMS, CRS, POS, and other systems?
  • Are you stuck wondering whether you are measuring and monitoring the right performance indicators?
  • Do you realize significant ROI from your analytics technology investments or wonder whether you are optimizing the available analytics tools?
  • Do you wonder why the Labor Cost Percentage or ADR is significantly off from your budget and benchmarks, and why you did not see this trend much earlier?
  • Is there strategic alignment between the analytics your perform and your corporate goals?
  • Are your efforts to foster an analytics culture not yielding any meaningful results?

If you, like many others who manage hotels & resorts, face similar business challenges, then let's have a discussion on how you can benefit from our hospitality analytics services.